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Speaking topics and media contact

Personal Stuff

Topics on personal themes are numerous, and include:

Its your life, so what are you going to do about it?

Can you burst from excitement?

Dream it - and do it!

So, you had a difficult childhood: Are you going to let that ruin the rest of your life?

Work/ life balance in practise

Please contact me for any other personal themes, you would like me to adress: I might just say yes...

Work Stuff

Henrik works as a facilitator, key-note speaker, host, always well prepared and in an entertaining fashion.

Topics on work-related themes are numerous, and include:





CX/CEM/ Customer experience management

Making it happen - turning plans into results

Joy of Work / Happy workdays is great businesses

Licence to THRILL(tm) yourself, your team and your customers, patients, clients or whatever you call them...

Work/ life balance

Please contact me for any other work related themes, you would like me to adress: I might just say yes...


Through the years, Henrik Meng have appeared on most media platforms, commenting and debating news and issues related to the above.

Newspapers, National TV, National Radio, web-based news- and entertainment services, including DR TV, TV2, Lorry, DR 2 Nyhederne, P1, P3, P4, radio 24/7, Politiken, Berlingske, Børsen, Weekendavisen, Jyllands Posten and many others...

For comments, interviews and other media related issues, please contact Henrik directly at +45 40536612 or

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